
Monday, January 2, 2012

Webinar Replays - Simple Way To Succeed With Local Marketing - Red Hot Strategy for Ranking Local Business Websites

Image: Witthaya Phonsawat /
Host: Shelby Larson

Description: Putting offline business’s on the front page of Google is a great way to make some serious cash, but it can be difficult, boring, and downright time consuming to actually deliver on your promises. And if you’re pretty new to the SEO game, it’s scary to sell without knowing all the answers.

In this insider sneak-peek, we’ll reveal:

· A secret weapon for ranking business websites at the top of the results
· The #1 ranking factor for organic AND places pages
· One HUGE, money-wasting mistake you must avoid when ranking Google Places pages
· How to dodge the ‘Push-button Tool Trap’
· How to cut costs, save time, and eliminate headaches – all at once
· A short cut that will turn you into an instant SEO expert
· TONS more

Go Here NOW!!!

You don’t want to let this one slip away!

It seems like everyone’s talking about all the easy money in the offline niche, about all those businesses with deep pockets that need YOUR help.

But there’s one thing everyone ISN’T talking about.  How to deliver real results.  How to sell a client on something of value, something that’s going to keep them paying you month after month.

How about this for value: What if you could put their website on the first page of Google?

Go Here NOW!!!

I know what you’re thinking, “but I’m no SEO expert and I don’t have time for link building and outsourcers and all that junk.”

What if you could put their website on the first page of Google without any work at all?

Shelby Larson and Ben Roy have released an ingenious system for getting local businesses ranked on the first page of Google without you having to do any work – it’s so powerful because it *only* works for local business websites.  They’re going to spill all the details on this upcoming webinar <date and time>, so click here to get the details:

Go Here NOW!!!

Look, if you’re still hoping to cash in on the offline bonanza, or if you’re already working offline and you just want results faster, easier, and hassle-free, you don’t want to miss this webinar.  Go register now:

Go Here NOW!!!

I look forward to seeing you there.  I know you’re going to be impressed.

PS.  So many people have already jumped onboard and are making more money while getting tons of their time back because of it.  Don’t you owe it to yourself to at least check it out?

Go Here NOW!!!

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